The 2016 Groundwater Flow Model for Dane County, Wisconsin, is a decision-support tool which can be used to site new wells, develop wellhead protection plans, evaluate the effects of changing land use and climate on groundwater, and quantify the relationships between groundwater and surface water. This is considered an essential tool for county planners, engineering consultants, water utilities, researchers, and others interested in understanding Dane County’s groundwater resources.
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Want a copy? Click on the images to download a PDF or purchase a printed copy. Model files are download only.
Note: If you downloaded the “in-press” version of the report earlier, you’ll want to update your copy. The report content has been significantly modified.
Model files [5 GB]
View roll-out presentations
On January 19, 2016, the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey hosted a public roll-out of the 2016 Dane County Groundwater Flow Model. Click on the following links to view the presentations.
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More information
For more details, contact Mike Parsen,, 608/262.9419.