CMNNA Food Pantry Donation Drive – Saturday, December 1

Greetings Crawford Marlborough Nakoma Neighborhood Association (CMNNA) Neighbors,

We are pleased to announce the dates of our CMNNA Food Pantry Donation Drive in support of the food pantry at our neighborhood school, Cherokee Heights Middle School (CHMS). As mentioned at the Third Annual CMNNA Meeting in September, we will pick up donations four times this year.

The need is great, as 57% of the 540 students at CHMS qualify for free or reduced cost lunches, and 10% of the student body identifies as homeless.

The dates and times for pickup at your home are: Saturday, December 1, 2018, January 19, March 16 and May 18, 2019 between 10:00 and 1:00 pm.

If you would like volunteers to pick up your donation, please go to the email link at the bottom and fill out your address, phone number (optional) and any special instructions you may have. Please leave your donation at the bottom of your front porch steps.

We are also looking for drivers with a helper to pick up items and take them to either the food pantry or storage area that day. If you donate or volunteer, it is just for the month this notice covers. For each food donation date, you will be contacted a week to 10 days before pickup to schedule a pickup or volunteer to help.
If this date for pickup is not convenient, you can always drop off food items at the CHMS office.

The list of requested items, which may change over time, are all non perishables, with no glass containers.
Canned Goods: spaghetti, ravioli, soups, beans, tuna fish, salmon, fruits, vegetables.
Boxed Goods: macaroni and cheese, pasta, rice in 1# bags or boxes, cereals and oatmeal.
Vegetable oil
Peanut butter and jelly

Below are pictures of the food pantry taken the first month it was open. Pictured is Beth Bookland, who is the organizing volunteer of the Food For Thought Initiative that spearheads the school food pantries.

Thank you in advance for helping out in this endeavor.

Sue Reget and Norma Hove

Click on one of the following links to volunteer or set up a food pick up.
Norma Hove
Sue Reget