It has been a very busy time at Warwick Way Gardens for the last several weeks. We started in late April, transplanting approximately two dozen early blooming wildflowers from the Buelow back yard into Warwick Way Gardens. These included Dutchman’s Britches, Bloodroot, Virginia Bluebells, Wild Geranium, Canada Violets, and Mayapples, which went into the part shade along the back chain link fence, as well as in front of the evergreens in the back corner. These early bloomers will provide important nectar and pollen resources for the bumblebee queens who are out early, scouting for nest sites and starting their new colonies. Prairie Smoke and Jacob’s Ladder were in full bloom in early May in the Pollinator Garden.

During four gardening sessions in May, several very hard working and loyal volunteers put in Pussy Willow, Hazelnut, Elderberry, and Running Serviceberry shrubs, 52 Plant Dane-donated wildflowers, and 15 wildflowers from Two Ferns Nursery. Five of the latter were mature Culver’s Root plants donated by Two Ferns owner Athena Salzar. Thank you Athena! Culver’s Root is a mid-summer bloomer that is much visited by Rusty Patched Bumblebees. In addition, we planted American Bellflower, Spotted Beebalm, Pale Purple Coneflower, Spotted Joe Pye Weed, Zig Zag Goldenrod, and others.

We’ve always watered in new plants right after getting them into the ground. That one watering is usually sufficient for the small native plants. During this recent hot dry spell, we have needed to water the new shrubs and wildflowers multiple times. On one of the planting days, 23 one-gallon jugs of water were filled, hauled, and used. On the last day of May, the “bucket brigade” filled, refilled and used a total of 33 one-gallon jugs. This will continue until the plants get established, or we get good rains.

Our dedicated volunteers have contributed about 50 hours of labor at the Gardens so far this year! The Neighborhood Association and I are incredibly grateful. As always, we invite anyone who wants to help to contact Carol Buelow, area6@cmnna.org.