The City is hosting a public meeting to kick off the Historic Preservation Plan process. This meeting will include an introduction of the process by city staff and and the consultant team including interactive sessions regarding public engagement, discovery of underrepresented communities’ histories, and an overview of the preservation plan development and ordinance revisions.
Meeting details are below. Please plan on attending.
Kick Off Meeting
Tuesday September 26, 2017
6:00-7:30 PM
Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa Street
Project Overview |
The City of Madison is creating its first ever Historic Preservation Plan. This plan will identify, celebrate and preserve the places that represent our collective histories. In addition, the ordinance standards for Madison’s five local historic districts will be updated. The descriptions and materials related to both of these efforts can be found below.
Historic Preservations Plan
The Historic Preservation Plan will provide a framework for future preservation that goes beyond the City’s current, primarily regulatory, role. It will recommend strategies to more effectively integrate historic preservation into public policy, explore zoning and land use tools, capitalize on economic development and financial incentives, and encourage heritage tourism. This process will employ strategies to engage, educate, and connect with all the groups that make up Madison’s unique history, with a particular emphasis on traditionally underrepresented groups.
An important goal of the Preservation Plan is to preserve what is most important to Madison’s fabric. It is necessary to have an inclusive, complete and accurate inventory of the places that create its story. This part of the process will build on current documentation of resources, identify gaps, and develop a strategy to ensure a complete, accurate, and expandable survey.
Historic District Ordinance Revisions |
Madison’s five local historic districts each have their own ordinance requirements for additions, alterations, and new construction. Some of these ordinances are over 40 years old, and have not been modified since they were created. This process will analyze the historic resources in each district, examine successes and challenges, evaluate current ordinances, and propose new or revised ordinance language.
Landmarks Ordinance Review Committee Meeting (LORC) – June 29, 2017 |
Landmarks Meeting – August 14, 2017 |
Meeting Outcomes and Findings – August 14, 2017 |
LORC Meeting – September 14, 2017 |
Consultant Team |
To assist with the development of the Historic Preservation Plan and the revisions to the ordinance standards for the local historic districts, the City has engaged a team of consultants. The consultant team is comprised of a variety of professionals to deliver the specific experience and insight needed for the development of the Historic Preservation Plan. The team includes several professional historic preservation consultants, a historic preservation architect, and an urban planner and public participation specialist.
Legacy Architecture, Inc. is an architectural design and historic preservation consulting firm based in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, founded by Jennifer L. Lehrke. Legacy Architecture has earned a statewide reputation as one of the leading providers of historic preservation design and consulting services in Wisconsin. Legacy Architecture has nominated properties to the State and National Registers of Historic Places and has completed numerous architectural and historical intensive surveys in urban, small town suburban and rural communities across Wisconsin. Please visit the Legacy Architecture, Inc. website for more information
Jennifer L. Lehrke, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, will serve as a Principal Architect & Historic Preservation Consultant, and Bob Short, Associate AIA and Rowan Davidson, Associate AIA, will serve as Historic Preservation Consultants for the Historic Preservation Plan project.
Ce Planning Studio is an urban planning consulting firm based in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, founded by Carolyn J. Esswein. Ce Planning Studio is known for urban design, design guideline and code development, public participation strategies and implementation, community redevelopment planning, and comprehensive planning. Ce Planning Studio has completed numerous neighborhood revitalization plans and cultural resource chapters in comprehensive plans in Wisconsin. Please visit the Ce Planning Studio website for more information
Carolyn J. Esswein, AICP, CNU-A, will serve as the Urban Planner & Public Participation Specialist for the project.
Other Historic Preservation Consultants include:
Timothy F. Heggland, Historic Preservation Consultant, has worked on numerous historic preservation projects for the City of Madison and other Wisconsin communities over the past several decades. Tim’s vast knowledge of Madison’s local history and architectural resources will serve as an invaluable resource for the planning effort.
Jason Tish, Historic Preservation Consultant and founder of Archetype Historic Property Consultants, has worked on numerous historic tax credit, small-cap TIF, and façade improvement grant projects as well as local, state, and federal nominations for historic designation. Prior to starting Archetype, Jason served as the Executive Director of the Madison Trust for Historic Preservation and brings a wealth of knowledge of Madison’s more recent local history and architectural resources. For more information please visit their website at: