The City of Madison invites you to join us as we create the West Area Plan! We’ll work with residents, community organizations, neighborhood associations, businesses and others to chart course of action for the next 10 years. The Plan will cover land use, transportation, parks and open space, and other elements of the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
Please join us at a public kickoff meeting February 6, 12:00 p.m.(virtual – register here), February 9, 6:00 p.m (in-person at Vel Phillips Memorial High School, 201 S. Gammon Rd., Wisconsin Neighborhood Center; enter front doors and look for directional signs) or February 13, 6:00 p.m.(virtual register here)! All three meetings will have the same content and similar opportunities for people to participate. Meeting flyer
Interactive commenting map
Tell us what you love about the neighborhood, your ideas for improvement and areas that need attention using the interactive commenting map.
Stay informed about the plan!
The best way to keep up to date on this planning process is to join the project email list, which will provide information about public engagement opportunities and periodic status updates.
Call for Community Partners
To help ensure that we hear from people of diverse backgrounds during our planning process, our team seeks to hire community organizations or individuals that have experience with public engagement and a particular focus on reaching underrepresented communities. Please check out our Call for Community Partners and be in touch with any questions. Thank you!

Planning Framework
The West Area and Northeast Area Plans will be the first created under the City’s new Planning Framework, which was adopted by the Common Council on August 2, 2022. With the new framework approach, the Planning Division will create 12 Area Plans over the next 8 to 10 years that will cover the entire City. With a timeline for covering the City and a consistent set of topics to be addressed, this approach will also ensure that people who have traditionally been underrepresented in planning processes will receive services, leading to greater equity in planning across the City.
There will be formal Plan kickoff meetings in February 2023. Please sign up for the project email list for meeting updates.
Last Updated: 01/23/2023
Upcoming Meetings
Monday, February 6, 12:00 p.m. – virtual meeting, register here
Thursday, February 9, 6:00 p.m. – in-person at Vel Phillips Memorial High School, 201 S. Gammon Rd., Wisconsin Neighborhood Center; enter front doors and look for directional signs
Monday, February 13, 6:00 p.m. – virtual meeting, register here
Project Materials
Interactive commenting map: Tell us what you love about the neighborhood, your ideas for improvement and areas that need attention using the interactive commenting map.
Anticipated Process and Timeline
Planning Framework Background
(background maps coming soon)
Project Managers
Linda Horvath
Ben Zellers
Email Project Team