posted January 19, 2024 – 2:13 am
From the District 10 blog
- The recording of the neighborhood meeting
- The recording of the UDC conversation, to watch the full meeting slide the location to the left
- Urban Design (UDC) Staff Report
- Chapter 28.183 – CONDITIONAL USES
- List of Conditional Uses
Recording of the Neighborhood Meeting
Recording of the Urban Design Commission Meeting
The Plan Commission cannot approve a conditional use unless it finds that all of the applicable standards are met. Not all standards are applicable.
The Commission does not have to specify how the standards are met to approve a conditional use request, as the ordinance is worded to only require specific findings if the Plan Commission is going to deny a project. If the Commission approves a conditional use, it may say why it felt the standards were met, but it is not required to go through and specifically state how each standard is/was met.
For this blog, I just want to introduce you to the standards language. The full ordinance link is at the top of the blog.
It is a bit late and have an early day tomorrow but wanted to share the recording in case you were not able to participate.
More to come on this project in future blogs